Latex Disposable Gloves


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Disposable Latex Powder Free Glove, Ctn of 1000

Features: Available in small, medium, large and X-large sizes The gloves are designed for single use only Suited for Transport, healthcare, food processing, hospitality, cleaning,…

Disposable Lightly Powdered Latex Glove, Ctn of 1000

Features: Available in medium and large sizes Lightly Powdered Reduce moisture from sweating The gloves are designed for single use only Suited for Transport, hospitality,…

Latex disposable gloves are manufactured using natural rubber, fortified with liquid rubber sap. Even though an estimated 1% to 6% of the general population is allergic to latex, latex gloves remain the top-selling choice due to their high resistance and strong sensitivity.

There are several advantages associated with latex gloves. 

  • Firstly, their lightweight yet durable material provides excellent tactile sensitivity, allowing for precise handling.
  • Additionally, latex disposable gloves are eco-friendly as they originate from rubber trees, making them biodegradable and easily recyclable through composting.
  • Moreover, their thick rubber construction offers exceptional protection against spills, scrapes, and cuts, ensuring the safety of the wearer.

However, there are certain disadvantages to consider when it comes to latex gloves. 

  • One significant drawback is the high risk of latex allergies, which can cause severe reactions.
  • Furthermore, latex disposable gloves have low resistance to chemicals, making them unsuitable for handling chemical spills or organic solvents.
  • Lastly, it can be difficult to detect punctures or tears on latex gloves due to their sturdy nature, making it harder to identify potential flaws.

There are two types of latex gloves available: powdered and powder-free, each with its own advantages.

Powdered latex gloves have a coating of powder on the inside, which facilitates the process of donning and removing the gloves. This powder also helps absorb and limit perspiration, enhancing overall comfort, particularly during prolonged use.

However, it is important to note that powdered gloves carry certain risks. The powder particles can contribute to contamination, and they are a major source of airborne allergens in work settings.

Additionally, some users may experience irritation when using powdered gloves. Due to these concerns, powder-free latex gloves are often preferred in specific workplaces such as hospitals, laboratories, painting applications, and manufacturing environments.

When it comes to hygiene and safety, latex gloves from PharmPak are an essential choice. Check out our wide range of  hygiene products at PharmPak today and ensure the safety and well-being of your employees in the workplace. Take the necessary steps to protect them from potential hazards and maintain a healthy working environment.

Due to their elasticity and protection, latex gloves have been a common option for disposable gloves since their beginning. Since latex gloves are lightweight and snugly fit to the hand, they are simple to wear and provide a high level of dexterity.

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